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Meet Ynvisible at AEMS 2024!

September 23, 2024

Meet Ynvisible in Anaheim, California at AEMS 2024!

AEMS - Anaheim Electronic and Manufacturing Show, is an event for professionals that Design, Manufacture and Test Products in Southern California and Northern Baja Mexico, where over 200 exhibitors will showcase their products and solutions.

On October 2-3, Tris Mahaffay- Display Logic West Coast Sales Manager, will be at AEMS 2024, presenting our innovative, ultra-low-power, thin, flexible e-paper displays and their application across a wide range of industries!

We are proud to be represented at this key event by our partner in the USA, Display Logic.

You can find Ynvisible at booth #702.

More details are available here: https://www.anaheimshow.com/

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