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Cost-Effective Custom Display Prototypes

We reduce the barriers to prototype with electrochromic displays. CDP, Custom Display Prototypes, is our standardized offer to make prototypes with your own display design. We charge a fixed fee of 3,500 EUR. Contact sales@ynvisible.com to participate.

Ynvisible’s segmented displays can be customized with a high degree of freedom. We manufacture displays with different sizes, shapes, and colors tailored for your specific application.

To get started, simply submit a specification of how you want your display to look. If you don’t have a complete design yet, don’t worry, we can assist you. Acceptable formats for your first submission are:

"We were able to iterate several design ideas in a way that saved us both time and money."

Mimbly AB, a fast-growing Swedish hardware company developing sustainable laundry solutions, is one of our many clients that have been utilizing the custom display prototype offers. 

"We were able to iterate several design ideas in a way that saved us both time and money. We will continue to use the Custom Display Prototype offer for future display concepts as the first step before scaling up." Emil Westman, CDO at Mimbly. 


How does it work?

The printed electrochromic displays are produced using screen-printing processes. Screen-printing is a highly flexible production technique as it can combine both conventional graphic print with functional printed electronics.

At the prototyping phase, we use sheet-based production with a functional print area of approximately 20 cm x 30 cm. Each client will get an allocated spot on the sheet for their display design(s). Each production will include 10-20 sheets.

Once you have submitted your design, we will review it. We might propose a few modifications to improve the final result. We can do as many iterations as necessary to ensure that you are satisfied with the results. When you have given your final approval the design will move onto production.

How much does it cost?

3500 EUR per display design.

Will I get display drivers?

We offer standardized display drivers but also custom display driver solutions if the standard drivers are not compatible with your display design and electrode/pin arrangement. We charge €200 for 3 standard display drivers and €1000 for 3 customized display drivers.

How many displays will I get?

The number of displays you will receive mainly depends on the outer dimensions of your display design. The effective print area is approximately 20 cm x 30 cm at this prototyping stage. This area will be shared among all display designs, where each client will be allocated at least one design per sheet. Normally, there will be space for more than display per sheet if the display dimensions are relatively small. The standard custom display prototype batch includes 10 sheets, which means that you will receive 10 multiplied with the number of displays per sheet given 100% production yield.

Can I try several designs at the same time?


I am interested - what do you need from me?

Please send a simple sketch of your display design(s) to sales@ynvisible.com and a sales representative will guide you through the process.

What are the design limitations?

The display designs are essentially up to your imagination, but our engineers need to make sure that they are compatible with our design rules before being produced. Read our detailed design guide for more information.

Want standard samples?

This offer is made for all of our clients that are interested in custom-designed displays for evaluation and testing before entering pilot- or mass production. If you are new to our technology, please explore our Segment Display Kit.

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